Sparring Stage Seminar in Italy
On Saturday 28.01.2017 we attended Sparring Stage Seminar in Riva del Garda, organized by ITF Choi Jung Hwa Italy. At the seminar we learned something about the heating, stretching, do a few exercises to develop speed and explosion. We learned a lot of new exercises fighting techniques, which will be tested in practice. The last part of the seminar was devoted to modern self-defense, which we presented by Maestro Sirio Quaranta (in ITF Italia responsible for self-defense). Self-defense techniques were tested in practice.
We thank organizer Maestro Renzo Gottoli and dear friend Maestro Massimo D’eredita’ for the invitation. Thanks Mastro Maurizio Troiano and Maestro Alberto Troiano Borsatto to conduct a seminar and fresh ideas for more extensive training. It was nice to once again work together with our friends Sabina Verdi, Antonio Lomuscio, Alfredo Mulè and others, which are facing on joint trainings, seminars and competitions.