Seminar with GM Trevor Nicholls
INTERNATIONAL TAEKWON-DO FEDERATION SLOVENIA (MO #657) and Taekwon-do klub Radovljica is pleased and proud to announce a taekwon-do ITF seminar, which will be led by Grand Master Trevor Nicholls, IX. DAN, Vice President of the International Taekwon-do Federation. He will be assisted by Master Michael Flaherty, VII. DAN from Ireland ITF. The seminar will take place on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at the Radovljica Middle School of Hospitality and Tourism. The seminar is an excellent opportunity for all taekwon-do athletes to learn from the best and most visible members of the ITF, to gain experience and knowledge at the highest level, and also to meet and socialize with friends from all over the world. The seminar is suitable for all belts, from green belt upwards.
WELCOME! Mark this date in your calendar today.
More information coming soon.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/520164299564806/?ref=newsfeed
You can already write to us at the following e-mail addresses: tkd.radovljica@gmail.com and sloveniaitf@gmail.com.