• Instructor and Umpire Seminar

    Instructor and Umpire Seminar

    The coaches of the Taekwon-do club Radovljica attended a virtual instructor and umpire seminar, organized and implemented by the International Taekwon-do Federation. The seminar, which took place on 2 days, 5 and 6 December 2020, and was conducted through the Zoom application, was attended by over 700 participants from around the world (more than 45 countries).

    IICV (International Instructor Course Virtual) took place on Saturday and was intended for precise and systematic distribution and explanation of individual movements in patterns, with a demonstration of implementation, we learned about the history and development of taekwon-do, and learned a number of new techniques for practicing individual elements of punches. The IUCV (international Umpire Course Virtual) took place on Sunday and was aimed at preparing for the 1st European Virtual Championship. We revised the rules, learned about changes and updates to the rules, and paid a lot of attention to the methodology of assessing the patterns and correctness of the trial. The seminar was conducted by eminent experts: GM Nestor Galarraga from Argentina and Technical Director of the International Taekwon-do Federation, GM Trevor Nicholls from Great Britain and Vice President of the International Taekwon-do Federation, Master Jose Maidana from Argentina and Master Fernando Perez from Spain.