2nd best team in Znojmo Open 2018
On Saturday, 2.6.2018, Taekwon-do club Radovljica, under the umbrella of Slovenia ITF, attended the XI. of the traditional international competition Znojmo Open organized by the Czech Choi Jung Hwa Association under the leadership of Mr. Frantis Macek. We have achieved exceptional results among the schools from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Switzerland, Germany and Hungary. With a total of 14 gold, 8 silver and 7 bronze medals, we received a cup for the 2nd best team in the competition. In addition, we also received 3 individual cups:
- the trophy for the best child at the competition was received by Tibor Oblak, with two gold medals,
- the trophy for the best junior at the competition was awarded to Medej Ručigaj, with a gold and silver medal,
- the trophy for the best senior at the copmetition was received by Barbara Sitar, with two golds and one bronze medal.
Let us summarize the recipients of the highest awards:
- children:
– Taja Oblak, 2. place tulls 8. kup, 3. place sparring -25 kg
– Marko Oblak 2. place tulls 5. kup, 1. place sparring – 30 kg
– Žan Pavlenč, 1. place tulls 8. kup, 3. place sparring -40 kg
– Žan Teran, 1. palce tulls 5. kup, 3. place sparring -45 kg
– Tibor Oblak, 1. place tulls 1. kup, 1. place sparring -35 kg, TROPHY for the best children!
– Neža Guštin, 2. place tulls 2. kup, 2. place sparring -35 kg
– Lina Buhaj, 1. place tulls 1. kup - juniors:
– Medej Ručigaj, 2. palce tulls 1. kup, 1. place sparring – 40 kg, TROPHY for the best junior!
– Špela Renko, 3. palce tulls 8. kup, 1. place team tulls
– Zoja Lukač, 2. place tulls 8. kup, 1. place team tulls
– Ajlana Džafić, 1. place tulls 8. kup, 1. place team tulls - seniors:
– Tina Oblak, 2. place tulls 2. kup, 3. place team tulls
– Maja Habjan, 3. place tulls 2. kup, 3. place team tulls
– Barbara Sitar, 1. place tulls II. DAN, 1. place sparring -65 kg, 3. place team tulls, TROPHY for the best senior!
– Denis Škufca, 1. place tulls 4. kup, 2. place sparring -64 kg.
The competitors are grateful to the head coach Mastar Željko Gvozdić for their knowledge and praise, for countless hours that we spend together in the gym. Thank you to Mastro Gvozdić and Club President Robert Guštin for their judicial duties. Thanks to Maja, Tina, Denis and Jurij for coaching, photography and moral and technical support.